Rational calculator
In the Github repository (subfolder src/assignment_05_classes_materials
) you will find the implementation of a rational number as an abstract data type.
As a first step, implement a calculator (similar to a previous assigment) with this data type, in which the user will introduce a bynary mathematical expression with rational numbers (such as 1/3 + 1/2
) and the program will show its result on screen (e.g. 5/6
The program will interactivelly ask for expressions until one expression has two zero operands (both rational numbers are zero).
Implement this behavoir in a file in the same directory calculator.cpp
, as well as a CMakeLists.txt
that compiles everything. Rename the folder as rational-struct
Rational class
Reimplement the Rational
data type so that it becomes a class, and all the related functions become methods (the rational
function should become the constructor).
For that, duplicate the whole folder (including rational.h
, rational.cpp
and calculator.cpp
) and rename it as rational-class
Modify the calculator so it works with the class version of the rational number.
Rational operators
Once again, reimplement the Rational
data type so that it is a class (same as previous section) but it works with operators. Particularly, except for is_zero
and the constructors, everything else should be an operator:
for input/output (these need to be implemented as functions, they cannot be methods).+
as arithmetic operators (these need to be implemented as methods).
For that, duplicate again the whole folder and rename it as rational-operators
Modify the calculator so it works with the operators. Notice that the source code of this calculator looks very similar to the one you implemented for real numbers.
The source code that solves the proposed problem should be in three separate folders, one per task: rational-struct
, rational-class
and rational-operators
Each of these subfolders should contain four files: rational.h
, rational.cpp
, calculator.cpp
and CMakeLists.txt
. They should compile using cmake
Before submitting, remember to talk to your teacher and have a small interview describing and answering questions about the job you have done and the decissions you have made. This interview is 20% of the total grade of the assignment, while the submitted material is evaluated for the other 80%.
All source code files, must include a comment on top with the names and NIAs of the students involved on their development. Then, all source code files, including directory structure, must be compressed into a single zip
file with the following naming:
, where<nia1>
are the NIAs of the involved students, if the work has been done in pairs. In this case, only one of the students must submit the work in Moodle.rational_<nia>.zip
, where<nia>
is the NIA of the involved student if the work has been done individually.
The compressed file must not contain anything else besides the source code files. Particularly, do not submit any binary file, neither executable, library nor object. The submission of the zip
file must be done through the corresponding task in Moodle before the stablished deadline.